Thank goodness the heat is starting to break a little, riding in 30+ is just not that nice, fine whilst you're moving but the instant you stop its meltdown! I found myself switching off today on the way home and I've decided that its easy to loose the bond with the bike when you can't hear it properly. The wind was high enough that the only real noise was wind and trees. Still listening to the strange noise but not quite as worried now as I was. I've listed the ZZR on swapmywheels.com so we'll see if I get any bites. Argh! It never rains but it pours. Got a flat yesterday. To be honest I’d been thinking I should check my pressures for the last couple of days but, by the time I’d got home I’d figured with the tyres being warm, and me being lazy I’d do it tomorrow… tomorrow. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today, you might just save yourself £156.00! I think riding on the stone chip or hard plastic – couldn’t quite tell what it was) just pushed it in further and made it worse. I asked a colleague to come back and help me push it to the garage next door, couldn’t move it at all it was so ungainly. We plugged the hole with a large screw and some sealant and I took it to SGT in Merton who fitted me with a new rear Bridgestone.
If it’s just the gasket I’ll do it, if it’s any more then that’s going to be the end of the Brat. I am so lazy, sorry. It seems like I haven't had time to do stuff but I don't know whether is just me not getting on with it! Work is busy and stressy and as we're short staffed I'm never away on time meaning I'm hitting more of the nasty traffic than I'd like. I'm on the VTR again - the GPZ threw a tantrum Friday last on my way to work which meant I had to pop back and swap. We (Beaky & I) think it might be a tight valve, its going to Beakys on Saturday so fingers crossed. It's been quite nice being back on the VTR apart from the sore left hand, the clutch is so far out (even though its adjusted as far in as it goes) in heavy traffic its a real chore. Must look for cut back levers.
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